
Every year, we elect an Executive Board to serve as the leadership team of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans. Get to know your 2024-25 Executive Board!

Matthew Craig

Gianni Matteo

William Walker

Joshua Meert

Tristin Kilgore

The Executive Board appoints a Staff to assist with Federation operations.

Chief of Staff

Dylan Cawley

Fundraising Director

Andrew Smith

George Vandiver 


Anthony Cacciato

Outreach Director

Julia Cassidy

Trace Maneval 

Western Region Director

Jesse Milston 

David Washabaugh 

Eastern Region Director

Matthew Becket 

Western Region Associate

Drew Hearn

Central Region Associate

Jett Straining

Eastern Region Associate

Nick Shapkarov

The Policy Committee is made of College Republicans from across the Commonwealth to create in-depth policy proposals and an advocacy plan for PAFCR.

Committee Members

Chair - Andrew Smith

Advisor - Gianni Matteo

Advisor - Tristin Kilgore

Clarion Representative - Brady McGiffin

Dickinson Representative - Dylan Stroppa

Duquesne Representative - Ava Hickman

Penn State Representative - George Vandiver

Pittsburgh Representative - Garrett Ziss

Susquehanna Representative - James Gossert

Temple Representative - William Walker

Villanova Representative - Nick Shapkarov